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The Environmental Justice Action Task Force (“EJATF” or “Task Force”) was created by the Colorado Environmental Justice Act (HB21-1266).  Governor Polis, the legislature, and the Ute Mountain Ute and Southern Ute tribal governments can appoint up to 27 members to the Task Force.  There are currently 22 Task Force members. 


The Environmental Justice Act instructs the Task Force to consider developing recommendations on a variety of topics.  The Task Force will present these recommendations to the legislature, the Governor, and the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (“CDPHE”).  The Task Force must finalize the recommendations by November 14, 2022. 


How you can get involved:


Learn more about the Task Force and its members on the Environmental Justice Webpage


View all of the Task Force’s documents in its public Google Drive folder


Watch recordings of Task Force meetings on CDPHE’s YouTube channel


CDPHE is asking community members for their help in determining:

  • The definition of “disproportionately impacted communities,” which will impact future resources available to communities. Disproportionately impacted communities have a heavier burden of negative health impacts than other communities because of systemic barriers to health and wellness.

  • How agencies should engage with disproportionately impacted communities across Colorado.

  • How agencies should consider equity and the cumulative impacts when making decisions that affect environmental health. Cumulative impacts are the combination of pollution in the air, water, and soil, and can include other factors that impact our health, like access to fresh food and green spaces to exercise.

  • How agencies can make data about environmental health risks more transparent to Coloradans living in communities disproportionately impacted by pollution and climate change.


The Task Force’s full draft recommendations are available online. Ideas and feedback can be shared with the Task Force in English,  Spanish, or any other language by one of the following ways:

  • Fill out this survey to share your ideas about some key questions.

  • Download and edit the Word document of the draft recommendations available here and send edits to

  • Send written comments to

  • Attend a small group conversation or cafecito in Commerce City or Pueblo to discuss the draft recommendations with CDPHE staff in September.


The group will hold its final public meeting in early November.

The Task Force must send its final recommendations to the legislature, governor, and CDPHE by Nov. 14.


We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your dedication to advancing environmental justice in the state of Colorado!








Draft 2 of the Environmental Justice Action Task Force recommendations

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